or Complaints
Microbiology & Virology encourages everyone to send us their comments and complaints, as sometimes this is the only way we know where our service may not be fully meeting the needs of users. In this way we can continually improve the service we offer.
Of course, we all like to think we are doing a good job, so we also like to hear from anyone about what we have done well or what people are particularly pleased about, so that we can pass this on to the staff involved.
A continued two way approach to resolving problems and issues is the best way to ensure the optimum patient care.
Any complaints about the Microbiology & Virology Laboratory service should be addressed to Jennifer Collins(, Dr Julie Samuel ( preferably in writing, as soon as possible after the problem is identified to allow us to investigate the issue promptly. Alternatively, you can find more information on how to submit compliments and complaints here.
Please supply as much information as possible.
Please be aware that the laboratory is not responsible for samples that do not reach us; issues in transit should be investigated by the sender in conjunction with the specific transport system utilised (e.g. porter, blood bike, estates, courier etc.).