Newcastle Laboratories

Jennifer Collins

Laboratory Manager Qualifications: F.I.M.L.S. CSci Jennifer leads and supports a team of specialist staff to enable provision of a high…

Dr. Julie R Samuel

Head of Department, Consultant Microbiologist Qualifications: MBBS, MD Micro (Mumbai), FRCPath Julie trained in Mumbai and Newcastle before taking up…

Dr. Manjusha Narayanan

Consultant Microbiologist Qualifications: MBBS, MD, Dip (GUM+Venereology), FRCPath   Having trained in Medical Microbiology in India and achieved further training…

Dr. Sheila Waugh

Deputy Head of Department, Consultant Virologist Qualifications: MBChB, BSC, PhD, MRCPCH, FRCPath Sheila trained in Glasgow, Aberdeen and Newcastle and…

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