Maternal Serum Screening
Newcastle Laboratories are commissioned to provide first trimester antenatal screening services for Down’s, Patau’s and Edward’s syndrome for the North East of England and Cumbria and second trimester screening for Down’s syndrome. In addition Newcastle Laboratories provide the same service for a number of other maternity units around the country following successful competitive tender.
The service provided is according to the standards set by Public Health England and can be found on their website:
This website also provides information on the required laboratory processes for this screening programme and the expectations for result reporting within the laboratory guide.
The Maternal Serum Screening programme is provided by a specialist multi-disciplinary team within Newcastle Laboratories directed by Dr Fiona Jenkinson, supported by Clare Jeffray and the laboratory team is led by Terri Marsh.
All enquiries regarding the programme can be answered between 08:30 and 17:00 Monday to Friday and should be directed to the team on telephone 0191 282 0956 or by email to:
Please note: it is not possible for the laboratory to provide results of individual screening tests to patients. Please speak to your midwife or GP should you require further assistance.